Pre-pandemic we used to raise funds by making and selling tamales, coffee, pastries, at least once every quarter, using the parish kitchen and our own kitchens on occasion. Our funds are used to assist parishioners in need (ex. Thanksgiving boxes, coats for kids), we have also hosted Family events such an Easter Egg Hunt with candy for the children of our parish. Funds are also used to contribute to our State’s and Supreme Council initiatives.
Currently, our council assists our four English weekend masses welcoming parishioners, checking them in, ushering, cleaning/disinfecting after mass and other activities as needed. Some of our members also serve as lectors and extraordinary communion ministers both in English and Spanish masses.
We will be requesting an appointment with you to discuss the current needs of the parish, as well of the resources our council is able to provide. Please feel free to contact any of us for any questions at the numbers below.